Ronda Spinak is an author and TV writer, whose credits include the Rugrats series. Rabbi Lynne A. Kern before her ordination was a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist at the Kansas City Star. The two embarked on a project three years ago chronicling the stories of female rabbis in Los Angeles, where they live. The result is the play Stories from the Fringe ... Women Rabbis Revealed, a coming documentary on the project and the Jewish Women's Rabbinic Archive (for which they hope to collect stories from around the world).
The Jewish Community Center of Greater Rochester's CenterStage is the first theater to secure the rights to produce the play outside the Jewish Women's Theatre in Los Angeles, of which Spinak is one of the founders and which this project is part and parcel of its three-year history. It will be produced here at 7 p.m. Thursday, 8 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. next Sunday at the JCC, 1200 Edgewood Ave. in Brighton. Spinak, Kern and Rabbi Karen Fox, one of those interviewed for the project, will be at the Saturday show and will lead a discussion afterward.
Tickets are $26 ($18 for students). Call (585) 461-2000, ext. 235, or go to jcccenterstage.org.I heard opening night, 10/27/2011, went very well. You may want to see this performance this weekend! We're going Saturday evening.
Today is the Day of the Dead Celebration at St. John Fisher College. Looking forward to hearing the music and poetry performance in Spanish and English; watching the altar grow with remembrances and offerings. We're going to burn the prayers at a final benediction (hopefully the promise of good weather will be on our side).
Have been inordinately happy for the past 4 weeks-- something is just bubbling up inside of me, part good will, part constant state of amazement. I have had the good fortunate to be working with inspired students and artists this semester. It makes a big difference being surrounded by this energy. If I could bottle this, I would share it with you and we'd all be rich!
I can't explain it, but I really don't care about much else. I love the process of Art, and being with people who are engaged in process, who are learning and thinking and puzzling are the best.
Heard the best art lecture last night in my Encounters class. Elizabeth King Durand and g.a. Sheller discussed their process while we took in the landscapes of their artwork. The exhibit is currently in the St. John Fisher Skalny Welcome Center Katherine O'Keefe Ross Art Gallery.
After the lecture we all came back to the classroom and spent time creating art.
The classroom just hummed with creativity. It was the best and the time just flew by . . .
Ah Daybreak, time to go . . .
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