Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Season, Call for Submissions~

Birmingham Arts Journal


storm-related poems, stories & art to be published in the April 2012 "Storm" issue of Birmingham Arts Journal

The editors will consider work inspired by ANY storm in ANY location (geographic, emotional or otherwise).

This is the first themed edition in our ten year history!
We need your help to make it the best it can be.


Submit WORD documents as 1) attachments or 2) within the body of the email to:

editor(at) (replace (at) with @ in sending e-mail)

FICTION & NON-FICTION: up to 1,000 words. Excerpts and quotes of fewer than 1,000 words from longer works are published, too.

POETRY: All types up to 50 lines. Shorter works preferred.

ARTWORK & PHOTOGRAPHY: 300 dpi or higher digital files (.jpg or .tif) of artwork.
Submit via email or on disk.

NOTE: Please include a biography (3rd person) of 50 words or less with your submission.
Payment: one copy of the issue in which the accepted submission appears.

FOR ALL WORKS: Birmingham Arts Journal has readers young and old, from all walks of life. For this reason, works containing strong profanity, explicit sex, gratuitous violence, and overtly religious or political material will not be accepted. No simultaneous submissions, please.

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