Monday, February 11, 2013

Good News and Conversations

Good News!

Holy Cow! Press accepted my poem "Neutralities"  for inclusion in The Heart of All That Is: Reflections on Home, to be published in a paperback edition during October, 2013.

Thank you, Jim Perlman, Deborah Cooper, Mara Hart, Pamela Mittlefehldt, co-editors.


Last week I began a new residency at School 33.  A second grader asked me how old I was. This is the conversation:
"M.J., How old are you?"
 "120 years old."
 Really? you are 120?"
 " Yep.  How do I look?"
 "You look good, Like 36."
"I do! That's wonderful. 36, really."
"God must have blessed you with such a long life."
 " Why yes--yes he has."


Snowstorm on Friday, 2/8/2013, shutdown Rochester.
I stayed home and enjoyed the weather from the inside.  It was a quiet weekend.
Made a pot of  soul stirring soup.

Life is good.

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