Once again, editor Justin Evans has assembled a hefty (worth their weight in words) collection of poems and essays, showcasing 15 poets and 1 essayist. I'm grateful to be included in this. Over the past year or so, I have been following the work of Kathleen Kirk, Carol Berg, Corey Mesler and I'm so happy to see them included in this issue. Thank you, Justin, for publishing two of "Conversation with Neruda" poems. This series began last summer at this time.
2. My poetry challenge 31X31 is in progress. Thus far, I have 13x31. I'm two ahead in the daily count. Will post my titles at midpoint and at end. One poem has tortured me. I can't believe the amount of revision it has gone through.
3. Went to an exceptional Genesee Reading Series at Writers & Books last night, featuring poets,Carol McMahon and David Jolkovski.
Here are their Bio Notes:
Carol McMahon was born in Syracuse, and, while in second grade there, wrote one of her first poems, My Dog Chip. She enjoyed creative writing classes in high school, but studied Theatre Arts and Education in college. She has introduced young people to poetry through teaching at Writers and Books and as a middle school English and Social Studies teacher in the Williamson Central School District. Her work has been published in HazMat Literary Review, Lake Affect Magazine, and Blue Collar Review. A chapbook, On Any Given Day, was published by FootHills Publishing. Carol has three children.
David Jolkovski was born in the Bronx during the Depression; he received his BA from Columbia College in 1954. He and Marie, his wife of 59 years, have three grown children and two grandsons. In the 1950s David served his compulsory two years in the Army, six months of which were spent in Salzburg, Austria, where Marie joined him. During the 1960s the whole family moved to the Netherlands for three years; David managed sales training and promotion for an international firm. They returned to the US in 1972. David established a small firm to sell self-adhesive materials. He retired in 2002. His poems have appeared in Upcountry; Desperate Act; Fan, a Baseball Literary Magazine; Gleam; HazMat Literary Review; and ByLine.
Driving home, I thought about the reading a lot. (note: I have a 45 minute drive to nearly anywhere, so I've got plenty of time to think.) I realized that poets spend so much time arranging their words that it becomes
their lives, and last night I heard two very different voices, but both delivered a sequence of poems that were
views of their past- present- future. David in his 'bits of frosting' between each poem said the most illuminating thought on writing, that is this (paraphrased, of course): Everything in the poem has happened, fiction or not, it occurred in one's mind, and here it is. So true, especially now that I'm immersed in so much writing. Carol read several poems that broke my heart. One about holding her mother's hand, which took me back to the first time I heard the poem. A time close to my Mom's passing and I was trying to make sense of the loss. (Still am). They had a terrific crowd.

Saturday, July 14th 6:30 p.m.
$75 per person.
Writers & Books invites you to a Literary Garden Tour fundraiser with dinner, drinks, poetry readings and more. Join us for a dinner garden party at the home of Jed and Peggy Fox.
Enormous container plantings at the top of the driveway and a whimsical "flower-pot lady" are just the first of the wonderful treats you'll find highlighting the extensive garden that Jed and Peggy have created over the past 30 years. A passion for gardening and the quest to try new things, along with exposure to international gardens have been the driving force behind what you will see here. All of the design, plantings, maintenance, pond construction, etc. have been done by Jed without any outside assistance.
you won't want to miss the poetry readings by M.J. Iuppa and Charles
Cote, which will take place at different locations and times throughout
the evening.The gardens have previously been featured on garden tours
for the Genesee Land Trust, Rochester Civic Garden Center, Memorial Art
Gallery and other groups. Don't miss this opportunity to take part in
this unique Literary Garden Party.
$75 per person.
Click here to register online or call 473-2590 x107
All proceeds from this event will benefit Writers & Books programs.
Hope to see you there.
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