and set them on the kitchen table. So cheerful. Something wonderful about today. Took a long walk, about 2.5 miles. The weather has cooled off considerably. The wind is coming from the Northeast, off the lake, and it's brisk but still smells of Spring. Down the road from me, the fire department has been practicing on an abandoned house for several weeks; and this morning, they burned it down. It's still sending large clouds of smoke west. All that's left standing are the front steps and the chimney.
In the mail received my National Poetry Month poster from the Academy of American Poets. It's so lovely, with lines culled from Philip Levine's poem "Our Valley." I plan on hanging it up at St. John Fisher College.
Upcoming this week is the Women in Music Festival at Eastman School of Music.
This is an amazing offering and the events are free:
Events, Venues & Directions
2012 Festival Events, Venues & Directions
All the events are FREE and open to the public.
“ESM” = “Eastman School of Music”
Noontime Concert
Festival’s Opening Concert
Main Hall, ESM (entrance on Gibbs Street)
→ Directions & Parking for ESM
Evening Concert
Publick Musick performs music by
Baroque composer Isabella Leonarda
Church of the Blessed Sacrament – 7 pm
Noontime Concert
Wilmot Hall, Nazareth College
→ Directions & Location for Nazareth
(Once on the page, scroll down then click on “Map & Direction”)
Evening Event
TubaCOR duo performs music for
French horn and tuba
Hatch Recital Hall– 7 pm
Noontime Concert
Hochstein School of Music & Dance
→ Directions & Location for Hochstein
Evening Event
Open rehearsal: Lorraine Desmarais and the New Jazz Ensemble (Dave Rivello, director)
Room120, ESM (enter at 26 Gibbs Street)
→ Directions & Parking for the Eastman School of Music
Noontime Concert
Eastman at Washington Square
First Universalist Church, 12:15 pm
Corner of South Clinton & Court Streets
→ Parking for First Universalist Church
Evening Concert
“Music After 1900” performs music
By Hilary Tann
Ciminelli Formal Lounge – 7 pm
→ Directions & Parking for the Eastman School of Music
Morning Event
Lorraine Desmarais will be featured in a radio interview at 10AM on JAZZ 90.1FM with Eric Gruner
Noontime Concert
Sproull Atrium, Miller Center
ESM (entrance on Gibbs Street, same as Max’s Restaurant)
Afternoon Event
Composer Roundtable with Lisa Bielawa, Lorraine Desmarais, and Hilary Tann
Howard Hanson Hall, Eastman School of Music
3:30 pm
→ Directions & Parking for the Eastman School of Music
Evening Concert
Lorraine Desmarais, jazz pianist and composer with New Jazz Ensemble (Dave Rivello, director)
Kilbourn Hall, ESM – 8 pm
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