Sunday, January 15, 2012

Blue Skies, But Oh So Cold

Photo: K. Iuppa

Happy Birthday to the one who is always one with the waves!

January 15th:

Bright sun, cold temperatures. Will go for a walk in a bit. There are several winter festivals happening in our area this weekend. I bet they were doing a snow dance all week long. They must be so happy with this first snowfall of the year. A second coat happened yesterday morning.
So I imagine that there's just enough for dog sled races. Typically, we have a first thaw in this upcoming week. Not this year. This year is upside down winter. Yesterday was slow going on the morning roads. Interesting too, there was a lot of traffic for a Saturday morning. Where was everyone going? By the time I left the George Eastman House around 1 p.m., the roads were clean and dry. Easy ride home.

May this week be as gentle.

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