Sunday, June 22, 2014

Summer Solstice. Something in the air!

Photo by K. Iuppa
Object:  my mom's crossword puzzle dictionary, a gift from my dad on Valentine's Day 1988.  The symbol under my mom's  signature is short-hand for 'I love you.'

They were head-over-heels in love.

Karen found the dictionary in her attic space. 

So here we are: Sunday, June 22,2014.  It's the third day of summer.   The morning is young and I'm trying to make a plan for today.  So much to do.  The North garden is drying out after that deluge of a storm on Tuesday evening (6/17), so I think I will be able to plant the rest of it today.  I'm grateful  that the plants I did get into the ground are thriving.  We're actually having good weather.  A bit cooler than usual.  My Magnolia tree still has a few blossoms, which is so surprising.  Checked our apple trees and it looks promising for this year's harvest.  Some of the trees are loaded. Thank you, busy bees!  They must be exhausted!

My writing challenge is going well ( I may have 12 by July 2014).  I have eight completed Lyric CNF essays.  Out of the eight, four have been accepted for publication, which makes my heart soar.  The real challenge is writing those short flash essays.  250 words is a tight word limit.  I've managed one so far.  Interesting too, a lot of journals are seeking these nugget essays.

Recent flash fiction published in Grey Sparrow Journal Summer, 2014  Edition.  Here is the link:

Thank you, Diane Smith, for including me in this issue! 

It's strawberry season here.  I need to go  the strawberry fields and pick enough to make the annual batch of strawberry jam. I usually go to Brown's Berry Patch. I love watching the children who eat their weigh in the fields.  Evidence: red ring around their mouths and sticky fingers.  The squeals of finding  one bigger than the next.  When it's blueberry season, the berries  at Brown's are usually bigger than nickels and oh-so-sweet.

Next week, I hope to purchase a fishing license.  I would love to sit on a  grassy bank on Sandy Creek and see if I catch anything.  Peter and I  have a plan to pack a picnic lunch and spend a lazy afternoon together.

Sounds good, doesn't it?

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