Sunday, May 26, 2013


photo by K. Iuppa

Lilacs so sweet, love this time of year.  The fragrance of those heavy heads, nodding in the lake wind.  I'm going to clip some and bring this bit of heaven inside.

To paint this arrangement before the blossoms melt away.  This weekend has hours of charity.  I can take my time and be a part of the work I'm doing.  Without rush or distraction, the switch of  intention becomes something more satisfying.  The list of things to do are crossed off accomplishments rather than the nag of what else needs to be done.

Yesterday planted: Brussels sprouts (aka jingle bells), red cabbage, broccoli, yellow squash, zucchini, collards, kale, Swiss chard,cherry bomb peppers, Aristole basil, and rosemary.

I think the physical work unlocks my imagination.  I have written three new lyrical essays and several poems this week.  If I can keep this rhythm up, I will have a very restful and productive summer. Make it so.

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